Are your bills keeping you up at night❓
Are you constantly fighting with your partner, and the root of your fights is money❓
What would you give or save if the weight of debt was no longer an option in your life❓
What type of financial legacy will you leave your children❓
Imagine this: You woke up in a cold sweat this morning, because tomorrow’s payday. You feel so out of control, so lost, no sense of power. Here you are again sitting at the kitchen table looking at this budget spreadsheet that shows you have more month left than you do money because once again you didn’t stick to it.
Let’s see, you took a pay cut when you moved to this state due to your job and so with your check you have to pay for the boys before and after care, their tuition since you just had to have them in private school, the rent for your apartment and worry if the tenant is going to make her rent payment which covers the mortgage for your home in another state. You still have to pay your car payment, utilities, and groceries. Even though Daddy works, pays the daycare bill for the baby, his own car payment, and utilities it just seems like you have too many bills, and too little saved for a rainy day, let alone your retirement.
It terrifies you, after all the Jones filed for bankruptcy. Here you were thinking Gina and Frank had it all together. That you were inadequate because you couldn’t keep up with them, fighting with your husband, and it turns out that they were on their 3rd mortgage, had credit card debt to the ceiling and will forever be a servant to the bank. Now that you think about it that verse in Proverbs certainly seems true now “Just as the rich rule over the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender”. (NLT).
Does this sound like you? Did you know that approximately 45% of marriages ending in divorce cite finances as the #1 cause?
Are you borrowing from Visa to keep Mastercard off your back each month?
It doesn’t matter what state your finances are in, there is a way through and I will help you get there.
You might be saying: Why do I need to have a Wealth Coach through this process? I got this❗
Having a coach available to answer questions specifically related to what you are dealing with is essential to your overall success. As your guide on the side, I’ll keep you motivated because I will walk this thing out with you, hold you accountable, and support you past that financial baby step that most people reach and give up on.
Lack of discipline and commitment is the #1 reason people give up, because personal finance is 80% behavior and only 20% head knowledge.
ACTION STEP: If you’re ready to take control of your finances and achieve true wealth, I invite you to book one of the FREE Personal Finance Strategy (PFS) Sessions.
So, let’s work together to create a plan that aligns with your values and goals.
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