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#Wealth Wellness Wednesday Tip: Are you Saving Your Future🔮❓

Writer's picture: Kryshonda TorresKryshonda Torres

Let me ask you something….Are you saving your future❓

According to surveys conducted by research firms:

📍79% of Americans feel financial stress

📍More than half live paycheck to paycheck

📍62% of Americans carry credit card debt, 37% have already maxed out their credit card, and 27% don’t pay their bills on time.

Most of us don’t want to become a statistic. These problems are all around us. They happen to our family and our friends' families.

Isn’t it ironic that we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but we always have money problems 🤷🏽‍♀️

We can work hard all our lives but retire poor. We do so much to raise our kids just to see them finish college with a lot of debt. Debt becomes a way of life.😭

Nobody teaches us how to manage our money in school. Financial issues are not often discussed, and financial products not always explained.

❌We use credit cards every day and don’t always understand the hidden charges.

❌We buy insurance policies (because gofundme isn’t an insurance plan) and stick them in a file cabinet.

❌We contribute to our 401 (k) or RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) and hope someone will take care of it.

We need to change, and the task won’t be easy. But we need understanding first. The old days of passive dependence have to end. A new era of proactivism and financial freedom must begin and it begins with US.

My September📆 calendar is OPEN for FREE Personal Finance Strategy (PFS) Sessions.

These FREE sessions are designed to help you:

📍Get rid of debt (no more sleepless nights)

📍Budget more (tell your money where to go instead of wonder where it went )

📍invest more (make your money grow)

📍save more (create generational wealth)

📍 give more (more impact for the kingdom of G-d)

ACTION STEP: If you’re ready to take control of your finances and achieve true wealth, drop a 💰 money bag below in the comments to reserve one of the FREE Personal Finance Strategy (PFS) Sessions.

Remember, there is NOBODY more interested in your financial future than YOU are, definitely not the government or your employer. It’s your responsibility to learn the simple rules of how money works and I'm here along for the ride as your guide on the side.

Click the link below to schedule your session today!


[Reference: Saving Your Future: Basic Principles of Building a Financial Foundation, 3rd Edition. X Press WSB, Inc. 2021]


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